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Make a Difference:

1 Little Moments Maker
Help create Little Moments between Bigs and Littles. Your donation will help offset the cost of background checks for our Bigs, provide opportunities for our Bigs and Littles to connect, and provide snacks, games, and school supplies to our site-based programs.
Price: $25.00 Quantity:

2 Little Success Maker
Partner as a Little Success Maker! The key to the longevity and success of our matches is the regular and consistent support the agency provides Bigs, Littles, and families. Your support will contribute support session.
Price: $50.00 Quantity:

3 Little Victory Maker
Our Littles come from diverse backgrounds. Some of the more challenging adversities our Littles face require a special person to be their Big. Become a Little Victory Maker and provide additional training and support for Bigs wanting to impact our most vulnerable Littles.
Price: $100.00 Quantity:

4 Big Impact Maker
Make a Big Impact and provide funding to enroll and onboard a Big or Little into our program! From applications and references to interviews, training, background checks, and home visits, a Big Impact Maker will help us get a Big or Little from interested to integrated.
Price: $600.00 Quantity:

5 Match Maker
If safety is our top priority, long-term match-making is our second. The longer a match stays together, the better the outcomes for Littles. Match makers provide funding to create a great-fitting match and support for that match for one year. Are you a Match Maker?
Price: $1,200.00 Quantity:

6 Dream Maker
We believe that inherent in every child is the ability to succeed and thrive in life. Mentoring is a proven way to help youth achieve more. Help us support our vision and change the life of a child for the better, forever.
Price: $5,000.00 Quantity:

7 Donation
I would like to make a general donation and help change the life of a child! Please alter the quantity or your order to reflect your preferred donation amount. For example: A quantity of 75 orders will make your donation amount $75.
Price: $1.00 Quantity: